Vertical profiles of temperhture, salinity, horizontal velocity, rate Of dissipation Of turbulent kinetic energy, and thermal variance are used to examine the parameterizat. ion of turbulent mixing associated with internal Waves in an upper ocean front. Previous attempts to quantify the rate of turbulent dissipation [e.g., Gregg, 1989; Polzin et al., 1995] are based upon dynamical models of wave-wave interactions using the Garkett and ?flunk [1979] (GM) spectrum. Non-GM conditions (vertical and horizontal anisotropy,. deviations in vertical wavenumber and frequency spectral shape s, and the presence of a background flow) may affect the character of wave interactions, altering the upwavenumber energy flux, which is equated with the rate of turbulent dissipation. Non-GM condifiohs in the data are documented, and revisions to the wave-wave interaction models are discussed. Additionally, the strength of wave-wave interactions is directly compared with the strength of wave'mean flow interactions. These data indicate that the dissipation rate is relatively insensitive to the presence of a background flow and anisotropic wave conditions, in agreement with theoretical expectations based upon wavewave inferaction models and a model. of wave-mean flow interaction at high background RichardsOn number. These data support the findings of Polzin et al. [1995], who argue that the dissipation rate is most sensitive to variations in wave frequency. 1. Introduction Oceanic fronts, generally characterized by abrupt spatial changes of sea surface temperature and water mass characteristics aligned with a jet-like horizontal velocity field, are believed to be sites of enhanced mixing and dissipati6n. Conceptually, one might envision a downscale cascade of energy: the presence of mesoscale features enhances "large"-scale internal wave variability, which in turn influences the fine-scale parameters, which play a role in the producti6n of turbulence. However, the relationships between •he frontal fields with vertical scales of 100 m and horizontal scales of 10 km and the turbulence responsible for the mixing at the microscale, around 1 cm, are not well understood. Observations of internal waves in a background flow tend to reveal heightened spectral levels in regions of negative relative vorticity [Kunze and Sanford, t984; Kunze, 1986; Weller, 1985; Mied et al., 1986]. Kunze [1985] examines the problem of a single near-inertial wave propagating wRhin a front. The study concludes that the lower bound for a freely, propagating nearinertial internal wave is altered from f to f + •/2 owing the presence of the background flow (• being the relative vorticity of the background flow). Waves within a frontal zone having frequencies less than f encounter horizontal turning points and Paper number 96JC01020. 0148-0227/96/96JC-01020509.00 vertical critical layers and are trapped in regions of negative relative •vorticity. • Internal waves can also interact with a background flow through Doppler shifting. Near-inertial interhal waves propagating with...