The mean value for the G-6-PD of the blood red cells was significantly increased in patients with mild and with moderate to severe hyperthyroidism. During treatment the values gradually decreased but reached the normal level only after the patients had been euthyroid for 1 to 2 months. The mean value for G-6-PD in hypothyroidism differed significantly from that of the control groups, but the individual values were within the normal range. In pregnancy the G d -P D was normal. G d -P D is of some value in the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in iodine contamination and during pregnancy.Pitkanen and Nikkila (20) showed, in 1960, that the glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase activity (G-6-PD) of the red blood cells (RBC) is increased in hyperthyroidism. The study was later extended (17) and the results were confirmed by others (2, 19, 24, 27). It has also been shown that the G-6-PD activity decreases during treatment of hyperthyroidism (24) and that it is normal or low-normal in hypothyroidism (8). So far, only a limited number of patients have been studied. The aim of the present study has been to evaluate the usefulness and clinical significance of the G-6-PD activity of the RBC in the evaluation of thyroid function before and during treatment.
T h e patients
A . T h e Loimaa series.Part of the study was carried out a t the Loimaa District Hospital, Loimaa. This series comprises 33 patients with evident hyperthyroidism, 45 euthyroid patients, 10 normal subjects, and 38 pregnant women. I n 20 hyperthyroid patients the G-6-PD activity was determined at intervals during 3 to 8 months. The euthyroid patients were admitted to the medical department for various reasons, and in all of them the serum proteinbound iodine (PBI), serum cholesterol, and haemoglobin were determined. In the 10 Scand J Clin Lab Invest Downloaded from by TIB/UB Hannover on 01/03/15 For personal use only. Scand J Clin Lab Invest Downloaded from by TIB/UB Hannover on 01/03/15 For personal use only.