AND SummaryThere are significant differences between authors in the values given for the normal range of pH and blood gases in fetal scalp blood during the first stage of labour. Oxygen tensions show the least agreement. The differences cannot be explained by the ways the normal study group were selected (clinically normal ; normal monitored fetal heart rate; healthy newborn infants) nor by choice of measuring system. Both inaccuracy of measurement and variation in the arterial and venous contributions to scalp capillary blood are probably involved. An alternative way of deriving the normal range is described. This gives 7-25 as the lower limit of normal for pH and 60 mm. Hg as the upper limit of normal for Pco,. Definition of hypoxaemia and therefore discussion of its extent and significance remains impracticable at present. However, the normal human fetus does not appear to be in a state of metabolic acidosis in early labour.