STUDIES with human tissue slices in vitro (Braunsberg and James, 1967a) showed that many tissues are capable of binding steroid hormones. Muscle bound relatively little, while adipose tissue showed the largest uptakes of testosterone, oestradiol and progesterone from saline solution. One of ten malignant tumour samples studied took up a relatively large amount of testosterone, but this did not exceed the uptake by adipose tissue. During incubation in serum albumin solution or plasma, little or no steroid was taken up by the tissues studied.The present investigation was undertaken in order to assess whether in vitro equilibration studies can yield meaningful results in relation to tissue hormone concentrations in vivo and to compare the distribution of androgen and oestrogen in human tissues with particular reference to malignant breast tumours. To this end, patients with-or suspected of having-breast cancer were given constant infusions of tracer doses of tritium-labelled testosterone or oestradiol in an attempt to reach radioactive equilibrium in the whole body. Under these conditions, the concentrations of free steroid tritium in the tissues are proportional to those of the endogenous hormone and its metabolites. A comparison of individual tissue concentrations in each patient is, therefore, possible. Even when equilibration is incomplete, gross differences in concentrations may be detectable (Braunsberg and James, 1967b).
MATERIALS AND METHODSReagent8.-Petroleum ether (60°-80°) and methylene chloride (both general purpose reagents) were purified as described for hydrocarbons by Bush (1961), except that they were dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate before distillation. Ethanol (Distillers' Company Ltd.) was purified as described for methanol by Bush (1961). Methanol was redistilled and water was glass-distilled. Ether was washed with A volume of saturated aqueous ferrous sulphate acidified with hydrochloric acid, followed by water until neutral. It was then dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate and redistilled through a Dufton column. The liquid scintillator was prepared as described in another paper (Braunsberg and James, 1967a).Testosterone-4-14C (101 #tCi/mg.), uCi/mg.) and oestradiol-6,7-3H (120 #aCi/,ag.) were from the Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, Bucks.Testosterone-1,2-3H (135 ,tCi/,tg.) was kindly provided by the Endocrinology Study Section, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. The tritium-labelled steroids were stored as dilute solutions (4 to 8 ,uCi/ml.) in dry benzene at -15°C. and were checked for purity by paper chromatography before use and after completion of the last infusion.