Aotus brumbacki is a nocturnal primate endemic to the Llanos of Colombia. This is the first report of species consumed by A. brumbacki in forest fragments in the municipalities of San Martín and Cumaral. The observations were made during a study on vocalizations and density. The families consumed by A. brumbacki in fragmented zones that are also consumed in continuous zones are Anacardiacea, Arecaceae, Burseraceae, Melastomataceae, Moraceae and Myrtaceae, with some species in common: Socratea exhorriza, Crepidospermum rhoifolium and Pseudolmedia laevis. Five species of plants for human use were consumed by A. brumbacki, this consumption may be related to its use in crops and near houses, where the primate is often observed by people. This list can be used in restoration plans and to connect forest fragments where the species still persists.