Summary :Wild passerine birds (Passeriformes) from northeastern part of the Czech Republic were examined for ectoparasites. Three species of louse-flies of the genus Ornithomya (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), two species of fleas of the genera Ceratophyllus and Dasypsyllus (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae), and 15 species of chewing lice belonging to the genera Myrsidea, Menacanthus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae), Brueelia, Penenirmus, Philopterus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) were found on 82 birds of 23 species. New chewing louse-host records are Hippolais icterina for Menacanthus currucae; Motacilla cinerea for Menacanthus pusillus; Turdus philomelos and Motacilla cinerea for Brueelia merulensis; and Sylvia atricapilla for Menacanthus eurysternus. Brueelia neoatricapillae is cited for the first time for the Czech Republic. Parasitological parameters such as prevalence, intensity and abundance are also discussed. C hewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) are among the less studied insect groups in the Czech Republic. As a result of several faunistic surveys (Balát, 1952(Balát, , 1953(Balát, , 1977(Balát, , 1981a carried out during the period 1950-1992, the species of chewing lice from many bird species occurring in the Czech Republic were collected and studied. There are 403 species of birds in the Czech Republic (Vav rík, 2004), and 381 of them (95 %) are known as hosts of 735 species of chewing lice (Price et al., 2003). According to Balát (1977), 361 species of those lice (49 %) have been recorded in the Czech Republic. Therefore, there is still a great number of bird lice to be found in that country. Species of fleas and their relationships with different birds are well known in the Czech Republic (Rosický, 1957). Species of louse-flies are also well known, but only relatively scarce data on the relationships of these flies with different hosts are available from the Czech Republic (see Chalupský & Povolný, 1983;Kri stofík, 1998).
Résumé : LES INSECTES ECTOPARASITES DES PASSEREAUX SAUVAGESThe aims of this paper are: 1) to present new data on the species richness and distribution of insect ectoparasites found on some passerine birds in the Czech Republic; 2) to include information on their prevalence, intensity and abundance.
STUDY AREASF ieldwork was carried out in two localities in the north-eastern part of the Czech Republic, near the city of Nový Ji cín. First, collections were made in reed beds around the ponds of Barto sovice (49°40' N, 18°03' E) at an elevation about 240 m above sea level. The second collection locality, 13 km distant from the first, was in a forest aisle adjacent to pasture located in the Sub-Beskidian Hills, near Cert'ák (49°34' N, 17°59' E) at an elevation of about 400 m above sea level.
METHODSBirds were examined during the season of post-breeding migrations, in the following periods: 24-31 July Prev. = prevalence = number of birds parasitized/number of birds examined, C = Ceratophyllidae, H = Hippoboscidae, M = Menoponidae, P = Philopteridae, ** = new host-louse record. ...