In a previous communication (1) we have shown that thyroxin polypeptide has a calorigenic action identical to that of pure racemic thyroxin when the two are given, intravenously, in doses containing equal quantities of iodine. It was further shown that thyroxin polypeptide is as active when taken by mouth as when given intravenously. These facts can be taken advantage of for the further study of thyroid physiology. The present paper deals with the calorigenic activity of certain brands of whole thyroid gland, the calorigenic action of thyroxin polypeptide being used as a basis of comparison. The ultimate object is not to study the pharmacology of these drugs per se but to discover in what form the natural hormone circulates and is effective.It is known that the organic iodine of whole thyroid gland is found partly in the form of thyroxin and partly in the form of diiodotyrosin (2). It has been shown by Thompson (3) and others (4) that diiodotyrosin exerts no calorigenic action in human myxedema even when given in very large doses. One would suppose therefore that the calorigenic action of whole thyroid would be determined by its thyroxin iodine rather than by its total organic iodine content. The data here presented prove that this supposition is incorrect.Three patients with full-blown, untreated, spontaneous myxedema were given, daily, 15 grains (1.0 gram) of a lot of Armour and Company's thyroid, which had been found by analysis, according to Harington and Randall's method (5), to contain 0.05 per cent of thyroxin or so-called active iodine (the acid insoluble fraction) and 0.22 per cent of total organic iodine.' The dosage of thyroid chosen contained 0.49 mgm. of thyroxin 1 At the outset of this investigation we were forced, in selecting our analytical method, to choose between the procedure of Harington and Randall (5) and of Leland and Foster (7). The latter method involves a twenty-four-hour alkaline hydrolysis, and gives lower values for thyroxin content. W. W. Palmer and co-workers (8) have recently published data which indicate that the lower figures may be more accurate.In view of the comparative newness of both procedures, it seemed to us 683