Summary. Ram spermatozoa from the distal caput, corpus, and cauda epididymis and ejaculated spermatozoa were artificially inseminated in 170 ewes which had been treated with an ovulatory dose of PMSG 61 ! 4 hrs previously. Results were expressed as the percent of ewes pregnant 18 days after insemination (F = with positive progesterone assay/ Q inseminated) and embryonic survival (ES = ewes lambing/ pregnant on day 18). F =0, 8, 12, 54, 78, 80 and 72 p. 100 respectively after insemination with 20 x 10 6 total spermatozoa/horn from the caput, corpus, I, II and III, proximal cauda, distal cauda, and ejaculate.Development of sperm fertilizing ability parallelled the development of sperm motility. However when ewes were inseminated with high number of motile spermatozoa, ES was 0, 77, 86, 100 and 86 p. 100 with spermatozoa from the corpus I --!-II, the corpus III, the proximal cauda, the distal cauda, and the ejaculate respectively. Thus, the sperm from middle corpus are totally unable to produce viable lambs.In the ram the development of sperm fertilizing ability in the epididymis coincides with the development of progressive motility (Fournier-Delpech et al., 1977) in a maturation process similar to the one described in rodents (reviews of OrgebinCrist et al.,1975OrgebinCrist et al., , 1976Bedford, 1975) or in the pig (Holtz and Smidt, 1976 ;Hunter et al., 1976). However, in the rabbit embryonic mortality is increased after fertilization by immature spermatozoa from the corpus epididymis (Orgebin-Crist, 1969 ; OrgebinCrist and Jahad, 1977). Similarly, litter size in rats is smaller after intra-uterine insemination with epididymal spermatozoa from the corpus than after insemination with spermatozoa from the cauda (Paz et al., 1978 (Colas, 1975 and1979 ;Gordon, 1975 a) After insemination with a constant number of spermatozoa (20 x 10 6 per horn) the pregnancy rate developed constantly which is correlated with the number of progressive motile cells inseminated per horn in the corpus (r = 0.9 in the middle corpus ; r = 0.6 in the distal corpus). However, the plateau is reached at a lower motile sperm concentration and the pregnancy rate is higher when more mature spermatozoa are inseminated ( fig. 2).Progressive motility may be the only essential factor to deliver the fertilizing agent to the oocyte for fertilization. However, development of motility is not definite proof of fertilizing ability for a potential fertile sperm. The pregnancy rate showed that fertilizing ability had not been completely achieved in the middle corpus (60 p. 100 with 20 X 10 6 motile spermatozoa inseminated/horn from the distal corpus versus 90 p. 100 with 8 x 10 6 motile spermatozoa from the distal corpus). Consequently, the acquisition of a mature motility pattern may not be sufficient for fertilization. b) A higher embryonic mortality after insemination with young epididymal spermatozoa has been reported in the rabbit (Orgebin-Crist, 1969) and the pig (Hunter et al., 1976), but was not observed by Overstreet and Bedford (1976) (Fournier...