G.J. 1994. Influence of parasitism on the shoaling behaviour of banded killifish, Fundulus diaphanus. Can. J. Zool. 72: 1775 -1779. The banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus), with other freshwater fish species, is the second intermediate host of the digenean trematode parasite Crassiphiala bulboglossa. We investigated whether and how the shoaling behaviour of parasitized killifish is altered in ways that may facilitate transmission of the parasite to its final host, the belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon). In mixed groups of parasitized and unparasitized killifish, parasitized individuals spent less time in shoals, had fewer neighbours within two body lengths, and occurred more frequently in peripheral shoal positions, where they are risk-prone, than unparasitized conspecifics did. After a simulated predator attack with a model of a stuffed belted kingfisher, parasitized individuals did not increase their shoaling tendency and thus had fewer near neighbours than unparasitized fish. These apparent parasite-mediated behavioural modifications in killifish may result in an increased probability of transmission of the parasite to its final, avian host. KRAUSE, J., et GODIN, J.-G.J. 1994. Influence of parasitism on the shoaling behaviour of banded killifish, Fundulus diaphanus. Can. J. Zool. 72 : 1775 -1779. Parmi d'autres poissons d'eau douce, le Fondule barrk (Fundulus diaphanus) constitue le second h8te intermkdiaire du trkmatode dighe parasite, Crassiphiala bulboglossa. Nous avons tent6 de dkterminer si, et comment, le parasitisme peut affecter la formation des bancs de f a~o n h faciliter la transmission du parasite h l'h8te terminal, le Martin-pCcheur d'Amkrique (Megaceryle alcyon). Chez les groupes mixtes de poissons parasitks et de poissons sains, les individus parasitks passent moins de temps dans le banc, ont moins de voisins h moins de deux longueurs de corps et se tiennent plus frkquemment en position pkriphkrique moins protkgke que les poissons non parasitks. Aprks l'attaque simulke d'un martin-pCcheur empaillk, les individus parasitks n'ont pas augment6 leur tendance h se regrouper en bancs et avaient donc moins de voisins immkdiats que les poissons non parasitks. Ces modifications apparentes du comportement occasionnkes par le parasitisme peuvent augmenter la probabilitk de transmission du parasite h l'oiseau qui constitue l'h8te terminal. [Traduit par la Rkdaction]
IntroductionParasites can have profound effects on the behaviour of their hosts (Holmes and Bethel 1972;Milinski 1990). Milinski (1993) suggested that parasitized fish give more importance to food acquisition and less importance to the avoidance of predators than unparasitized fish do, because the nourishment of parasites and higher locomotory costs (Arme and Owen 1967; Lester 197 1) increase their energetic requirements. To date, behavioural studies on parasitism in fishes have mainly focused on how parasites affect the fish's trade-off between foraging and predation risk (e.g., Godin and Sproul 1988;Milinski 1993). If parasitized fish ac...