Oceanic vortices are ubiquitous in the ocean. They dominate the sub-inertial energy spectrum, and their dynamics is key for the evolution of the water column properties. The merger of two like-signed coherent vortices, which ultimately results in the formation of a larger vortex, provides an efficient mechanism for the lateral mixing of water masses in the ocean. Understanding the conditions of such interaction in the ocean is thus essential. Here, we use a merger detection algorithm to draw a global picture of this process in the ocean. We show that vortex mergers are not isolated, contrary to the hypothesis made in most earlier studies. Paradoxically, the merging distance is well reproduced by isolated vortex merger numerical simulations, but it is imperative to consider both the β-effect and the presence of neighbouring eddies to fully understand the physics of oceanic vortex merger.Oceanic vortices, named eddies, impact biological activities 1 , tracer transport 2 , and properties of the water column 3 . It has become clear that the mesoscale (10-100 km) eddy field, is at least as energetic as the large scale circulation 2 , essential for the air-sea interactions 4 , and thus for the evolution of climate 5 . Eddy-eddy interactions therefore play a central role in the evolution of the ocean/atmosphere physics and biology. In particular, vortex merger -the physical process in which two like-signed coherent vortices collapse, ultimately resulting in a larger vortex-is of key importance for the distribution and the transfers of energy across scales in the ocean 6-11 . Since the 80's, an important effort has been undertaken to understand the physics of oceanic vortex merger, including in situ 12 , laboratory 13,14 , and numerical 15 observations, associated with intense theoretical debates [16][17][18] . Most fundamental studies addressed the 'isolated vortex merger' problem, omitting the influence of neighbouring eddies, large scale currents, or boundary, topographic, and planetary effects [19][20][21][22][23][24][25] . Efforts to include more physical effects in studies of vortex merger [26][27][28][29] were often impaired by the lack of general observations in the global ocean, or by the complexity of the resulting dynamical system. Despite recent trials 30 and pointwise observations 12,31-33 , a global description of vortex merger in the ocean is lacking.In this paper, we present an analysis of merging events in the global ocean, using a global 1/12° re-analysis dataset. This study was conducted over a five-year period, in five domains in the middle of each major oceanic basins -these domains a priori respect the hypothesis of isolated vortex merger studies: they are far away from the coastlines, topographic features, and strong currents, and are located at mid-latitudes (see Fig. 1). From 5,867 detected merging events, we infer the actual characteristics of mesoscale eddies that merge, and test the isolated vortex merger problem hypotheses. Further, we compare this analysis with the outcome of 1,600 idealized...