Hysterosalpincography (llSG) and hystem!iCOpy, two investigative modalities were pedonned 011 a group of 50 patieots of seco.dat'y inferta1ity aDd the results anaIysed.lD this study, the infertile WOmeR were evaluated with BSG followed by hysteroscopy to evaluate the causes of secondary infertility and attempt a c:orrelation between these Investigative modalities. The complete agreemeat between BSG aDd hysteroscopy was estahlished in 43 (86%) cases. BSG showed a false posillve rate of 23% and false negative rate of 6%. The sensitivity of HSG was 77% and spedfidty 93% in diagnosing uterine conditions. Tbe conditions missed were likely due to the overfilling 01 the uterus. HSG showed B good correlation with hysteroscopy and being a safe and simple procedure, It should be the preUmmary investigation in infertile patients. nus, the two investigative modalities were found to be CODlplementary to each other rather thao bei8g mutuaOyexclusive.