Time-dependent configuration interaction (TD-CI) simulations can be used to simulate molecules in intense laser fields. TD-CI calculations use the excitation energies and transition dipoles calculated in the absence of a field. The EOM-CCSD method provides a good estimate of the field-free excited states but is rather expensive. Linear-response time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) is an inexpensive alternative for computing the field-free excitation energies and transition dipoles needed for TD-CI simulations. Linear-response TD-DFT calculations were carried out with standard functionals (B3LYP, BH&HLYP, HSE2PBE (HSE03), BLYP, PBE, PW91, and TPSS) and long-range corrected functionals (LC-ωPBE, ωB97XD, CAM-B3LYP, LC-BLYP, LC-PBE, LC-PW91, and LC-TPSS). These calculations used the 6-31G(d,p) basis set augmented with three sets of diffuse sp functions on each heavy atom. Butadiene was employed as a test case, and 500 excited states were calculated with each functional. Standard functionals yield average excitation energies that are significantly lower than the EOM-CC, while long-range corrected functionals tend to produce average excitation energies slightly higher. Long-range corrected functionals also yield transition dipoles that are somewhat larger than EOM-CC on average. The TD-CI simulations were carried out with a three-cycle Gaussian pulse (ω = 0.06 au, 760 nm) with intensities up to 1.26 × 10(14) W cm(-2) directed along the vector connecting the end carbons. The nonlinear response as indicated by the residual populations of the excited states after the pulse is far too large with standard functionals, primarily because the excitation energies are too low. The LC-ωPBE, LC-PBE, LC-PW91, and LC-TPSS long-range corrected functionals produce responses comparable to EOM-CC.