“…The classification system built upon the DMS has been employed to analyze dream content (Yu, 2015(Yu, , 2016c. The DMS scale scores have also been demonstrated to be correlated negatively with superego functions as operationalized by social desirability or repression defensiveness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Yu, 2013b(Yu, , 2013c and positively with a variety of psychopathological factors, such as traumatization (Yu, 2014b), sleep problems (Yu, 2016a;Yu & Thompson, 2016), negative emotions ( Yu, 2013b( Yu, , 2013c, neuroticism or emotional stability (Yu, 2012(Yu, , 2013b(Yu, , 2013c(Yu, , 2014a(Yu, , 2014b, hysterical conversion and dissociation (Yu, 2011b(Yu, , 2014a(Yu, , 2014b, obsessivecompulsion (Yu, 2013a(Yu, , 2014a(Yu, , 2014b, and schizotypal tendency signified by magical ideation (2013a). A major drawback of the DMS is that for various reasons, respondents may not be able to read through 100 dream themes and rate their frequencies.…”