KK, MW, and SC oversaw the study design. KK and SC led data acquisition through the literature reviews, Delphi surveys, and Open Review surveys, as well as data analysis and interpretation. KK takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of data analysis. All authors attended teleconferences, and all but the core project team (KK, MW, SC) completed anonymous votes and feedback surveys as part of the Delphi process and formed consensus on the final recommendation. KK drafted the manuscript with support from SC, and all co-authors critically reviewed the working draft and agreed to the revisions and final submission. Administrative, technical, and organisational support was provided by SC.
Declaration of interests
AMA receives royalties fromOxford University Press for the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS), Child and Parent Versions. PB is involved with the development across Australia of routine outcome measurement in public mental health. He chairs the National Mental Health Child and Adolescent Information Development Expert AdvisoryGroup. There is an interest in supporting routine outcome measurement and benchmarking between organisations.