Esteves, Felipe de Sousa; Carneiro, Jorge Manoel Teixeira (Advisor). Strategy Execution: A Model Proposal. Rio de Janeiro, 2015. 114p. MSc. Dissertation -Departamento de Administração, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.The ability of a company to survive and thrive depends mainly on the selection and execution of its strategy. However, there are few scientific studies related to the topic of strategy execution. The academic literature on how to conceptualize and measure the "strategy execution" construct is scarce. Most of the material published about the construct comes from consulting studies or practitioner-works. However, in order to develop theory about the antecedents and the consequences of this construct it is to have a sound conceptual delimitation and a set of validated operational measures. In this study, the domain map of the "strategy execution" construct is thoroughly investigated and two models are