<strong>Introduction:</strong> Pregnant women with thromboembolic diseases, previous thrombotic episodes or thrombophilia family history were supervised in a multidisciplinary Obstetrics/ Hematology consultation in Centro Hospitalar São João EPE, Porto, Portugal. For the evaluation and medication of these women, a risk stratification scale was used.<br /><strong>Purposes:</strong> The aim of this study was to validate a Risk Stratification Scale and thromboprophylaxis protocol by means of comparing it with a similar scale, developed and published by Sarig.<br /><strong>Material and Methods:</strong> We have compared: The distribution, by risk groups, obtained through the application of the two scales on pregnant women followed at Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal, consultation; the sensibility and specificity for each one of the scales (DeLong scale, applied to Receiver Operating Characteristic) curves; the outcomes in pregnancies followed in Hospital São João, Porto, Portugal<br /><strong>Results:</strong> According to our Hema-Obs risk stratification scale, 29% were allocated to low-risk, 47% to high-risk and 24% to very-high-risk groups. According to Galit Sarig risk stratification scale, 24% were considered low-risk, 53% moderate, 16% high-risk and 7% as very high-risk group. In our study we observed 9% of spontaneous abortions, in comparison with 18% in the Galit Sarig cohort. From the application of Receiver Operating Characteristic curve to both risk stratification scales, the results of the calculated areas were 58,8% to our Hema-Obs risk stratification scale and 38,7% to Galit Sarig risk stratification scale, with a Delong test significancie of p = 0.0006.<br /><strong>Conclusions:</strong> We concluded that Hema-Obs risk stratification scale is an effective support for clinical monitoring of therapeutic strategies.