Abstract. Building on recent work of Bhargava, Elkies and Schnidman and of Kriz and Li, we produce infinitely many smooth cubic surfaces defined over the field of rational numbers that contain rational points. §1. Introduction. This paper is concerned with the Hasse principle for the family of projective cubic surfaceswhere f, g ∈ Q [u, v] are binary cubic forms. Our main result shows that a positive proportion of these surfaces, when ordered by height, possess a Qrational point. First, we discuss the question of local solubility. The following result will be addressed in §2.2. THEOREM 1.1. Approximately 99% of the cubic surfaces (1.1), when ordered by height, are everywhere locally soluble.It has long been known that the Hasse principle does not always hold for cubic surfaces and so local solubility is not enough to ensure that the surface (1.1) has a Q-rational point. In the special case that f and g are diagonal there are many known counter-examples to the Hasse principle, the most famous being the surface 5x A recent investigation of Bright [4] has focused on families of varieties over number fields that have no Brauer-Manin obstruction to the Hasse principle. In §2.1 we shall check that the conditions of his main result are satisfied for the family of cubic surfaces (1.1), thereby leading to the following conclusion.