We investigated the combined effect of paired compositions of TiO2, МоО3 silencers, and CoO, NiO, K2Cr2O7+CuO, Fe2О3 dyes on the quality and optical-color characteristics of enamel coatings based on the matrix glass of the R2O–ВаО–ZnO–Al2O3–В2О3–TiO2–SiO2 system. It was established that in the presence of CoO, NiO, K2Cr2O7+CuO dyes, the addition of МоО3 in the amount of up to 3 wt.% improved the quality of coatings, but did not lead to significant changes in the color tone, and only affected its shade. Introduction of Fe2О3 in the amount of up to 0.75 wt.% into the composition of the matrix glass, simultaneously combined with CoO, K2Cr2O7+CuO dyes, showed a similar pattern. The combination of Fe2О3 with NiO resulted in obtaining brown coatings of various shades characterized by =594–613 nm (orange region of the spectrum). The inexpediency of adding 15 wt.% TiO2 as a silencer for colored coatings based on the experimental matrix glass was established and the reasons for the absence of a silencing process at a firing temperature of 8000С were revealed.