“…Flow chemistry,the science that forms the foundation of chemical CM, allows chemists to transform reaction time (known as reactor residence time in CM) into reactor length, atangible physical dimension that enables scientists to unwind "time" through "space", and to minimize the impact from transient process failures.T his increases the chance of keeping ap roduction run immune from temporary glitches and, ultimately,f rom batches being scrapped, thus ushering an era of more reliable pharmaceutical manufacturing that was almost unthinkable just ad ecade ago. [7][8][9] Thek ey to this reliability lies in the detection of transient failures on time (real-time analysis) or in advance (data trending analysis). [10][11][12][13] PATa llows scientists to design, analyze,a nd control manufacturing processes through the measurement of critical process parameters (CPPs) and the analysis of critical quality attributes (CQAs), which, in turn, helps them monitor the chemical state of aproduction run in real time.…”