Dalbergia odorifera T. CHEN (Leguminosae) is a perennial tree that mainly grows in China. The heartwood of the plant is used to treat blood stagnation syndrome, ischemia, swelling, necrosis, and rheumatic pain in China and Korea.
1)Previous phytochemical studies on this plant have isolated flavonoids, quinones, and phenolic constituents.2-4) We have isolated two new flavonoids, 4,2Ј,5Ј-trihydroxy-4Ј-methoxychalcone (1) and (2S)-6,7,4Ј-trihydroxyflavan (2) together with sixteen known compounds, including flavonoids and arylbenzofurans. In this paper, we report the structure elucidation of new compounds and the cytoprotective effects of isolated compounds on glutamate-induced oxidative injury in immortalized mouse hippocampal cells.
Results and DiscussionRepeated chromatography purification of the ethanol extracts of the heartwood of the D. odorifera gave two new compounds, 1 and 2, along with the known compounds 3-18 (Fig. 1).Compound 1 was obtained as a yellow amorphous solid. HR-FAB-MS showed an [MϩH] ϩ ion peak in accordance with the empirical molecular formula, C 16 H 14 O 5 , which was supported by the 13 C-NMR spectrum and distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer (DEPT) data. The UV spectrum displayed bands assignable to a chalcone system at 355 and 207 nm. 6) The 13 C-NMR and DEPT experiments were consistent with these data, indicating the presence of eight methines, five non-protonated, and one methoxy carbon. The signals for each proton and carbon of this molecule were assigned unambiguously by the assistance of 2D-NMR (HMQC and HMBC). The two olefinic protons at d 7.77 (H-b) and 7.50 (H-a) showed long-range correlations with the carbons at d 192.2 (CϭO), 130.5 (C-2, C-6), and 126.5 (C-1) (Fig. 2). The two aromatic protons at d 7.40 (H-6Ј) and 6.48 (H-3Ј), showed long-range correlations with the carbons at d 192.2 (CϭO), 159.8 (C-2Ј), 155.6 (C-4Ј), 138.8 (C-5Ј), and 112.4 (C-1Ј). One methoxyl proton at d 3.90 (4Ј-OCH 3 ) showed a long-range correlation with the carbon at d 155.6 (C-4Ј). From the above data, the structure of the new natural product 1 was elucidated as 4,2Ј,5Ј-trihydroxy-4Ј-methoxychalcone.Compound 2 was isolated as a yellow amorphous solid. HR-FAB-MS showed a molecular ion at m/z 258.0894 (M ϩ , Calcd 258.0892), indicating the molecular formula C 15 H 14 O 4 . The 1 H-and 13 C-NMR spectral data of 2 were very similar to those of 6,4Ј-dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavan, 7) except for the ab- Two flavonoids, 4,2,5-trihydroxy-4-methoxychalcone (1) and (2S)-6,7,4-trihydroxyflavan (2), along with fourteen known flavonoids and two other known arylbenzofurans were isolated from the heartwood of Dalbergia odorifera. The structure of compounds 1 and 2 were established by spectroscopic (NMR and MS) analyses. Of the isolates, eight compounds (1, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17) were found to have potent protective effect on glutamateinduced oxidative injury in HT22 cells.