The vertical occipital fasciculus (VOF) is an association fiber tract coursing vertically at the posterolateral corner of the brain. It is re-evaluated as a major fiber tract to link the dorsal and ventral visual stream. Although previous tractography studies showed the Vof's cortical projections fall in the dorsal and ventral visual areas, the post-mortem dissection study for the validation remains limited. first, to validate the previous tractography data, we here performed the white matter dissection in post-mortem brains and demonstrated the VOF's fiber bundles coursing between the V3A/B areas and the posterior fusiform gyrus. Secondly, we analyzed the VOF's structural connectivity with diffusion tractography to link vision-associated cortical areas of the HCP MMP1.0 atlas, an updated map of the human cerebral cortex. Based on the criteria the VOF courses laterally to the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (iLf) and craniocaudally at the posterolateral corner of the brain, we reconstructed the VOF's fiber tracts and found the widespread projections to the visual cortex. These findings could suggest a crucial role of Vof in integrating visual information to link the broad visual cortex as well as in connecting the dual visual stream. The VOF is the fiber tract that courses vertically at the posterolateral corner of the brain. The VOF was historically described in monkey by Wernicke 1 and then in human by Obersteiner 2. It is re-evaluated by the advances in neuroimaging methods such as tractography, as a major association fiber tract to connect the dorsal and ventral visual cortex 3-6. Previous tractography studies showed the cortical projections of the VOF fall in the dorsal (e.g., V3A, V3B, V3d, IPS-0) and the ventral visual areas (e.g., hV4, VO-1, VO-2) as well as in the lateral occipital cortex (e.g., LO-1, LO-2) 4,7,8. However, there is no modern white matter dissection study to validate directly the results of VOF tractography. Tractography using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) has been widely used to estimate noninvasively connections between gray matter regions. This method, although elegant and elective, is prone to multiple artifacts due to "crossing, branching, merging, and termination" pitfalls 9,10. It is also difficult to validate the data due to the lack of ground truth. In contrast, the modern white matter fiber dissection, although complex and time consuming, is a scientific procedure that could provide a thorough three-dimensional understanding of gray and white matter structures 11. Many tracts and fasciculi were discovered by pioneer works of fiber dissection in neuroanatomy. However, fiber dissection lost its significance at the beginning of the twentieth century with the introduction of microtome and histological techniques. Klingler's technique, a modern white matter dissection method, was developed in the 1930s, which is a modified method to facilitate the isolation of white matter tracts 12. In this context, the fiber tracts and anatomical features in tractography stud...