Over 40% of Sun-like stars are bound in binary or multistar systems. Stellar remnants in edge-on binary systems can gravitationally magnify their companions, as predicted 40 years ago. By using data from the Kepler spacecraft, we report the detection of such a "self-lensing" system, in which a 5-hour pulse of 0.1% amplitude occurs every orbital period. The white dwarf stellar remnant and its Sun-like companion orbit one another every 88.18 days, a long period for a white dwarf-eclipsing binary. By modeling the pulse as gravitational magnification (microlensing) along with Kepler's laws and stellar models, we constrain the mass of the white dwarf to be ∼63% of the mass of our Sun. Further study of this system, and any others discovered like it, will help to constrain the physics of white dwarfs and binary star evolution.Einstein's general theory of relativity predicts that gravity can bend light and, consequently, that massive objects can distort and magnify more distant sources (1). This lensing effect provided one of the first confirmations of general relativity during a solar eclipse (2). Gravitational lensing has since become a widely used tool in astronomy to study galactic dark matter, exoplanets, clusters, quasars, cosmology, and more (3,4). One application has yet to be realized: in 1973, André Maeder predicted that binary star systems in which one star is a degenerate, compact object -a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole -could cause repeated magnification of its companion star (instead of the standard eclipses) if the orbit happened to be viewed edge-on (5). The magnification of these self-lensing binary systems is small, typically a part in one thousand or less if the companion is Sun-like, and so it was not until high-precision stellar photometry was made possible with the Corot and Kepler spacecrafts that this could be detected (6,7). Stellar evolution models predict that about a dozen self-lensing binaries could be found by the Kepler spacecraft (8), but none have been discovered to date. A self-lensing binary system allows the measurement of the mass of the compact object, which is not true for most galaxy-scale microlensing events in which there is a degeneracy between the velocity, distance, and mass of the lensing object (9). Microlensing does affect several known white dwarfs The rows are separated by the orbital period, P = 88.18 days. White represents brighter flux and black dimmer, whereas gray represents missing data or outliers that have been removed. ppm, parts per million.in binaries in which the depth of eclipse is made slightly shallower (10-14) but does not result in brightening because occultation dominates over magnification at the short orbital periods of those systems. Here, we report that Kepler Object of Interest 3278 (KOI-3278) (15,16), a term intended for planetary candidates, is instead a self-lensing binary composed of a white dwarf star orbiting a Sun-like star. The candidate planetary transit signal is actually the repeated occultation of the white dwarf as it passes...