More than 15 years have passed since Canada’s Species at Risk Act was enacted. To evaluate scientific progress in support of the Act, we identified research accomplishments up to 2017 for imperilled aquatic species in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River basin based on recovery documents and an expert survey, spanning 1182 activities across 68 research topics for 45 fish and mussel species. Greatest progress was observed for population ecology (38% of activities with major progress) and habitat science (28%), with comparably less progress on threats (mechanisms and impacts; 19%) and recovery (threat mitigation and reintroduction; 21%). As a result of lagging progress, threat and reintroduction topics were prioritized for a Canadian Freshwater Species at Risk Research Network (SARNET; 2017–2020), which focused on addressing key knowledge gaps with novel applications. This special issue outlines the SARNET projects, which span novel field, laboratory, and analytical activities. Continued research investment into novel and existing approaches is necessary to advance scientific achievements for fishes and mussels in support of the Species at Risk Act in Canada.