We consider random trigonometric polynomials of the form f n (x, y) = 1≤k,l≤n a k,l cos(kx) cos(ly), where the entries (a k,l) k,l≥1 are i.i.d. random variables that are centered with unit variance. We investigate the length K (f n) of the nodal set Z K (f n) of the zeros of f n that belong to a compact set K ⊂ R 2. We first establish a local universality result, namely we prove that, as n goes to infinity, the sequence of random variables n K/n (f n) converges in distribution to a universal limit which does not depend on the particular law of the entries. We then show that at a macroscopic scale, the expectation of [0,π] 2 (f n)/n also converges to an universal limit. Our approach provides two main byproducts: (i) a general result regarding the continuity of the volume of the nodal sets with respect to C 1-convergence which refines previous findings of [RS01, IK16, ADL + 15] and (ii) a new strategy for proving small ball estimates in random trigonometric models, providing in turn uniform local controls of the nodal volumes.