The per sonal do sim e try in Bosnia and Herzegovina started in 1960. Af ter a brief in ter rup tion in 1990s, the do sim e try ser vice re sumed in 1999. Un til 2013, the Ra di a tion Pro tec tion Centre of the In sti tute of Pub lic Health of Fed er a tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been the only in sti tu tion in the coun try that could pro vide this ser vice. In 2013, this Center cov ered more than 70 % (1,485) of all ra di a tion work ers in the coun try. They mostly worked in med ical in sti tu tions (1,417 or 95.4 %), while oth ers are ex posed to ra di a tion sources in in dus try and vet er i nary ra di ol ogy. From 1999 to 2013, the ma jor ity of an nual doses were less than 1 mSv (96.2 %). There are no reg is tered cases of ex ceed ing the an nual dose limit (20 mSv). The re sults anal y sis shows the re duc tion of in di vid ual doses in last five years. Newly adopted prac tices in med i cine, such as the pos i tron emis sion to mog ra phy, could cause the in crease of doses in the years to come.