“…), iron and cotton dust, and fumes of acids, kerosene oil, Mobil oil. 7 Although upper respiratory infections are common among all industries including textile, steel pipe production, construction workers, spinning mill, stone crushing, gems polishing etc but the morbidity of respiratory problems is not as high as among scissors manufacturing industry workers 8,9,10,11,12,13 except as reported by Qurratul et al Other health problems included musculoskeletal problems (25%), skin diseases (15%) and noise induced hearing loss (4%).Mismatch between man and machine is one of the major factors contributing to musculoskeletal problems leading to postural strains which was found consistent with other studies as well. 14,15,16 Heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, corroded iron particles have proven fatal to human life although some heavy metals such as zinc, copper, chromium, iron and manganese are required by the body in small amount, but have proven to be toxic in larger quantities by interfering with organ system functions.…”