SUMMARYThe relation between the extent of radiological findings and respiratory functions in pneumoconiosis cases of dental technicians who are working in Ankara The relation between the extent of radiological findings and respiratory functions İn pneumoconiosis cases of dental technicians who are working in Ankara
Introduction: In dental technicians, parenchymal changes caused by dust affect pulmonary functions. The evaluation of the relation between radiological scores (chest X-Ray/HRCT) indicating the extent of pulmonary involvement and the severity of functional findings in dental technicians.
Materials and Methods: 440 dental technicians were evaluated with chest X-Ray, pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and high resolution computed tomography (HRCT). The degree of pulmonary involvement in radiological images
INTRODUCTIONDental laboratories harbor many dangers for dental technicians including physical, chemical, radioactive, ergonomic, psychological and biological ones. Dental technicians are constantly exposed to the vapor of different solvents and non organic acids, toxic gases formed during material use and to deleterious effects of dust formed during finishing, grinding and sandblasting of ceramic, acrylate and metal alloys (1-3). Pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonia, occupational asthma and lung cancer may occur in dental technicians depending upon the duration of exposure (4).Dental technicians' pneumoconiosis (DTP), is a disease presenting with interstitial inflammation and fibrosis occurring due to exposure to complex substances (5). Although clinical functional parameters are influenced minimally in the early period of the disease, impairment in clinical functional parameters becomes more marked with radiological progression (6). In the evaluation of the severity of the disease, the employment of radiological and functional indices becomes more important (7).High resolution computerised tomography (HRCT) has an increasingly important role in the evaluation of occupational lung disease. HRCT is more sensitive than lung radiography in the detection of asbestosis, silicosis, pneumoconiosis and other parenchymal abnormalities in early period (8).In the literature, there are studies demonstrating the relation between the degree of involvement detected with lung radiography or HRCT and functional loss in various occupational groups (9,10). Although there are many studies showing the clinical findings, radiological involvement and functional impairment in dental technicians; relation between the degree of radiological involvement and functional impairment has not been clarified (11)(12)(13). In the present study with a large case series, the presence of a relation between radiological findings (chest X-Ray/HRCT) and functional findings in all dental technicians residing in Ankara, Turkey was evaluated. As far as we know, there is no previous study in the literature evaluating the relation between the extent of pulmonary involvement in lung graphies and functional findings and comparing lung radiogr...