Hand traumas are common in young men and their complications can have negative effects on their occupation and economic activities. On the other hand, most of the hand injuries are related to occupation accidents and thus necessitates preventive measures. The goal of a clinical registry is assisting epidemiologic surveys, quality improvement preventions.
This article explains the first phase of implementing a registry for upper extremity trauma. This phase includes recording of demographic data of patients. A questionnaire was designed. Contents include patients’ characteristics, pattern of injury and past medical history in a minimal data set checklist. This questionnaire was filled in the emergency room by general practitioners. For 2 months the data were collected in paper based manner, then problems and obstacles were evaluated and corrected. During this period a web based software was designed. The registry was then ran for another 4 months using web based software.
From 6.11.2019 to 5.3.2020, 1675 patients were recorded in the registry. Random check of recorded data suggests that accuracy of records was about 95.5%. Most of the missing data was related to associated injuries and job experience. Some mechanisms of injury seems to be related to Iran community and thus warrants special attention for preventive activities.
With a special registry personnel and supervision of plastic surgery faculties, an accurate record of data of upper extremity trauma is possible. The patterns of injury were remarkable and can be used for investigations and policy making for prevention.