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AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave Blank)2. REPORT DATE July 30,1999
Protein Markers of Chemical Exposure and Molecular Epidemiology
AUTHOR(S)Frank A. Witzmann
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESSES)Molecular Anatomy Laboratory, Dept of Biology Indiana University Purdue University -Columbus 4601 Central Avenue Columbus IN 47203
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)This final technical report describes the results of experiments that 1) explored, at the molecular level, the toxicity of lead in various exposure systems; 2) enabled the development a system of general and tissue-specific protein markers for lead in rabbits and rats that might be indicative of its effect in human toxicologic targets; 3) assessed the cellular expression of GST isoenzymes as protein markers of lead toxicity in rat kidney, and 4) investigated the suitability of tissue-slice in vitro toxicologic approaches by evaluating their patterns of protein expression and comparing them to patterns from whole tissues. High resolution large-scale two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) with computerized image analysis was used to map cell/tissue proteins of various lead targets. In the case of lead experiments, proteomics technology, e.g. mass spectrometric analysis of tryptic digests (peptide-mass fingerprinting) of selected proteins resolved by 2-DE , was used to identify altered proteins. Quantitative and qualitative assessments of toxic effect were made, individual protein data was compiled in annotated databases, and protein markers identified. Protein digestion 9 Matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometric (MALDI) protein identification 9
SUBJECT TERMSResults and Discussion 1" Toxicity of lead in rabbit ventricle and kidney 10 Assessment of regional differences in renal lead toxicity 12 Assessment of glutathione S-transferase (GST) isoenzyme expression 14
AbstractThis final technical report describes the results of experiments that 1) explored, at the molecular level, the toxicity of lead in various exposure systems; 2) enabled the development a system of general and tissuespecific protein markers for lead in rabbits and rats that might be indicative of its effect in human toxicologic targets; 3) assessed the cellular expression of GST isoenzymes as ...