ABSTRAKInfeksi virus merupakan salah satu kendala produksi kedelai. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendeteksi infeksi virus pada beberapa pertanaman kedelai di Jawa. Sampel daun diambil secara acak sebanyak 50 tanaman dari tiap lokasi pertanaman kedelai di Bogor, Cirebon, Bantul, dan Ponorogo. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap gejala yang ditemukan di lapangan dan insidensi penyakit ditentukan secara serologi menggunakan antibodi Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV), dan Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV). Insidensi CMV, SMV, dan CPMMV berturut-turut berkisar 72-84%, 14-24%, dan 6-8%; sedangkan infeksi BPMV tidak ditemukan. Pita DNA spesifik CMV, Potyvirus, dan Geminivirus berhasil diamplifikasi berturut-turut menggunakan primer spesifik gen protein selubung CMV, primer universal Potyvirus dan Geminivirus. Hasil sikuensing menunjukkan bahwa homologi CMV tertinggi adalah terhadap CMV galur S asal Bogor (99%), homologi Potyvirus tertinggi terhadap BCMV isolat kacang hijau asal Cina dan galur Blackeye asal Vietnam (90%), dan homologi Geminivirus tertinggi terhadap Pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PYLCV) asal Bogor dan Jawa (96%). Analisis filogenetika menunjukkan bahwa CMV-S berada dalam satu kelompok dan terpisah dari CMV galur lainnya. BCMV pada kedelai dalam penelitian ini membentuk kelompok terpisah dari BCMV asal negara lain, sedangkan PYLCV isolat kedelai membentuk satu kelompok dengan PYLCV Bogor dan Jawa.
Kata kunci: Cucumber mosaic virus, Soybean mosaic virus, Cowpea mild mottle virus, Pepper yellow leaf curl virus
ABSTRACTVirus infection is an important production constraint for soybean. Research was conducted to detect virus infection from soybean samples collected from several locations in Java. Leave samples from 50 plants was taken randomly from each location in Bogor, Cirebon, Bantul, and Ponorogo. Field symptoms was observed and disease incidence was determined based on serological assay using specific antibodies to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV), and Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV). Incidence of CMV, SMV, and CPMMV was 72-84%, 14-24%, and 6-8%, respectively; whereas infection of BPMV was not found. Specific viral DNA of CMV, Potyvirus, and Geminivirus was successfully amplified using specific primer for CMV coat protein, universal primer for Potyvirus and Geminivirus, respectively. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that isolate CMV from soybean has the highest homology (99%) to CMV strain S, Potyvirus isolates has the highest homology (90%) to BCMV isolate Mungbean from China and BCMV strain Blackeye from Vietnam, and Geminivirus isolates has the highest homology (96%) to Pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PYLCV) from Bogor and Java. Phyllogenetic analysis showed that CMV strain S formed