Hydromorphological features are crucial in structuring habitats for freshwater organisms. The quantification of these variables is often performed through accurate measuring or detailed estimation, but their assessment is not always feasible for river management purposes. Economic and time constraints often lead to difficulty in creating simple summaries of collected data for practical use. The Lentic-lotic River Descriptor (LRD) was developed to identify the character of a river site in terms of local hydraulic conditions. Information about the presence of flow types, channel substrates, in-stream vegetation, organic debris and artificial features is included in its calculation. The main aim of this paper is to investigate whether the lentic-lotic character of a river site, as summarized with the LRD descriptor, is relevant to aquatic invertebrate communities in nearly natural river sites. Invertebrate data were collected with multi-habitat, proportional sampling and hydromorphological information was gained by applying the CARAVAGGIO method (river habitat survey technique) in the field. The dataset was generated from High or Good ecological status river sites located in Mediterranean areas of Italy. Correspondence Analysis was performed to relate the invertebrate community structure to a set of catchment-scale, reach-scale and chemical environmental variables. The results of the multivariate analysis indicate that LRD provides a persuasive explanation of the most important axis of variation in benthic data. This paper also presents the optimal LRD range for a set of invertebrate taxa, accompanied by a short discussion of their potential use in conservation issues.