Over the past decade, the separation efficiency achieved
by linear
IMS instruments has increased substantially, with state-of-the-art
IM technologies, such as the trapped ion mobility (TIMS), the cyclic
traveling wave ion mobility (cTWIMS), and the structure for lossless
ion manipulation (SLIM) platforms commonly demonstrating resolving
powers in excess of 200. However, for complex sample analysis that
require front end separation, the achievement of such high resolving
power in TIMS is significantly hampered, since the ion mobility range
must be broad enough to analyze all the classes of compounds of interest,
whereas the IM analysis time must be short enough to cope with the
time scale of the preseparation technique employed. In this paper,
we introduce the concept of sliding windows in ion mobility (SWIM)
for chromatography hyphenated TIMS applications that bypasses the
need to use a wide and fixed IM range by using instead narrow and
mobile ion mobility windows that adapt to the analytes’ ion
mobility during chromatographic separation. GC-TIMS-MS analysis of
a mixture of 174 standards from several halogenated persistent organic
pollutant (POP) classes, including chlorinated and brominated dioxins,
biphenyls, and PBDEs, demonstrated that the average IM resolving power
could be increased up to 40% when the SWIM mode was used, thereby
greatly increasing the method selectivity for the analysis of complex