Purpose: Evaluation of indicators of coagulation hemostasis and humoral markers of endothelial dysfunction in COVID-19 convalescents. Material and methods: 105 COVID-19 convalescents were examined. Patients were included in the study after suffering COVID-19 after 4-6 months. The average age of the surveyed was 51.8±6.7 years. Women made up - 64 (60.95%), men - 41 (39.05%). Hemostasis indicators were assessed by coagulogram parameters - fibrinogen level, determination of D-dimer by enzyme immunoassay, humoral factors of endothelial dysfunction - endothelin-1, von Willebrand factor, thrombomodulin by enzyme immunoassay. Results: In the group of patients with elevated fibrinogen levels (more than 400 mg/dl), these values were significantly higher in terms of humoral markers of endothelial dysfunction than in patients with normal fibrinogen levels. Similarly, in patients with elevated levels of D-dimer, these values were significantly higher than in patients with normal levels of this indicator. When studying the levels of fibrinogen and D-dimer in the blood of COVID-19 convalescents, a direct correlation between them was established in relation to endothelin-1, VWF and thrombomodulin. There was a strong correlation between D-dimer and humoral factors endothelin-1 (r=0.88) and VWF (r=0.61), while thrombomodulin had a moderate correlation (r=0.56). Conclusions: In the blood of COVID-19 convalescents, there was a significant increase in the level of fibrinogen and D-dimer. In COVID-19 convalescents, an increase in the level of markers of endothelial dysfunction was associated with indicators of the clinical course and indicators of fibrinogen and D-dimer.