Aims: To find out the resistance varieties/germplasm against Fusarium solani and Meloidogyne javanica in fennel.
Study Design: The experiment was carried out in CRD design with three replications.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Plant Pathology, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner during rabi season 2021-22.
Methodology: An experiment was conducted on screening of 30 fennel varieties/germplasm to find out the source of resistance against Fusarium solani and Meloidogyne javanica in fennel. Plants were uprooted 60 days after sowing and the observation was recorded on per cent root rot incidence and root-knot index.
Results: Among the thirty screened varieties/germplasm, the highest root rot incidence was recorded in RF-125 (70.00 %) and UF-33 (70.00 %) and minimum (20.0 %) root rot incidence was recorded in RF-101 and RF-205. In reference to root-galls incidence data showed that minimum number of nematode galls were found in RF-101 (7.67) and maximum number of galls were found in UF-23 (35.34).
Conclusion: Among the screened varieties/germplasm of fennel, only four varieties (RF-101, RF-145, RF-157 and RF-143) showed resistant reaction, whereases, 21 varieties/germplasm showed moderately resistant reaction and five varieties/germplasm showed susceptible reaction.