Water-quality issues in the Cheney Reservoir watershed were investigated from 1996-2001 as part of a cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the city ofWichita, Kansas. Water quality in the Cheney Reservoir watershed is important because much of the population of the area, which includes the Wichita metropolitan area, relies on Cheney Reservoir as a drinkingwater source and for recreational activities. Water-quality studies conducted during the investigation addressed the transport of important water-quality constituents that included nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus species), pesticides, bacteria, and suspended solids. Conclusions drawn for most water-quality studies conducted in the Cheney Reservoir watershed were the result of samples collected at six surface-water-quality sampling sites (five upstream and one downstream from Cheney Reservoir) and reservoirsediment and watershed-soil studies (fig. I). The water-quality studies are documented in the reports referenced in this fact sheet. Reports of all of these studies are available on the World Wide Web athttp:llks.water.usgs,govlKansaslq\vlcheneyl Overview Mean concentrations of nitrate in streamflow were much less than drinking-water criteria. Mean concentrations of phosphorus in streamflow exceeded the established water-quality goal at all sampling sites. Agricultural activities have accounted for 65 percent of the phosphorus transported to Cheney Reservoir. Substantial reductions in phosphorus transported to Cheney Reservoir may involve a combination of approaches such as reducing phosphorus application and changes in land-use, land-management, and agricultural practices. Median concentrations of pesticides in streamflow were less than drinking-water criteria. Numbers of fecal coliform bacteria in streams were large during runoff but were less than water-quality criteria in Cheney Reservoir. Sediment accumulation in Cheney Reservoir was less than expected. Universal Transverse Mercator projection. Zone 14 Converted to Albers Equal-Area Conic projection, standard parallels 29°3Q1 and 45030'. central meridian-9BC EXPLANATION | | Contributing drainage area | | Noncontributing drainage area Boundary of Cheney Reservoir watershed Surface-water-quality sampling site and number Nonagricultural soil-coring site Index map Figure 1. Location of Cheney Reservoir watershed, surface-water-quality sampling sites, and nonagricultural soil-coring sites, south-central Kansas.