IIIIihIIII|fiiiiiliIApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Abstract (,1annwn 20 wonft).Tidal atlas software has been developed for naval hydrographic survey operations. The software displays an integrated database of tides, bathymetry, and coastlines. It is a menu-driven PC/WINDOWS program. The tidal databases include the tidal constituent bank from the International Hydrographic Organization and Schwiderski's global tidal data. The bathymetry uses the 5-minute ETOPO5 database and the coastlines use the world vector shoreline database. The software can display tidal stations and tidal constituents for a user-specified area. The software also provides other functions including tidal height plot, tidal zone plot, cotidal, and corange plots.The software is available only upon request to the Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7442, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004. It is not included with this report unless requested.14. Subet Term.15. Number of Pages. Tides, Numerical Model, Hydrographic Survey 49 16. Prfce Code.