The Field Research Facil ity (FRF), located on the Atlan tic Ocean in Duck, NC, was estab lished by the U.S. Army Corps of Engi neers in 1977 to sup port the Corps' coastal engi neer ing research require ments. The facil ity con sists of a 560-m-(l,840-ft-) long research pier, a main office build ing, field sup port build ing, and a 40-m-(130-ft-) high obser vation tower. Since its cre ation, the FRF has main tained a com pre hensive, long-term mon i tor ing pro gram of the coastal ocean includ ing waves, tides, cur rents, local mete orol ogy, and the con com i tant beach response. This mon i tor ing pro gram is sup ported by a small, highly-skilled field staff and sev eral unique vehi cles that permit suc cessful oper a tions in the tur bu lent surf zone. These capa bil i ties have also sup ported a series of multiagency multiinvestigator exper i ments that have led to the Duck beach becoming the best-studied beach in the world. To date, approx i mately 150 jour nal arti cles, 108 reports, and 84 con fer ence pro ceed ings papers have been pub lished using FRF data by more than 200 authors. This paper sum ma rizes the capa bil i ties of the FRF and reviews the impact of its first 23 years of oper a tion.