Resumo. O estudo objetivou registrar a ocorrência, fl utuação populacional das espécies de coccinelídeos e delinear a distribuição geográfi ca (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) associados as plantas cítricas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Abstract. This work aimed to register the occurrence, study the population fl uctuation the ladybeetles species and to delineate the geographic distribution (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) associated at citrus plants in Rio de Janeiro State. 11 districts situated in two regions of the Rio de Janeiro State were visited: "Baixada Fluminense" and "Região das Baixadas Litorâneas (Região Citrícola)". The study period was January 2000 to June 2001. The coccinellids was observed, collected, conserved, and identifi ed. This way 11 species they were observed on State. The districts to larger species occurrence were Seropédica, and Araruama and to species lower was São Pedro da Aldeia, Iguaba Grande, Tanguá, Itaboraí, Natividade e Porciúncula. The species that it was verifi ed in larger distribution were Pentilia egena (Mulsant, 1850), present in 10 districts, and with smaller distribution it was Curinus coeruleus Mulsant 1850, present in just only one district. When evaluated population fl uctuation, there was a tendency in the reduction of the population in coldest (winter) moths, being P. egena the specie with average larger populational (40%) and dominant specie together with Azya luteipes Mulsant 1850. In study period the species diversity was high (α= 3.91) when evaluated through Margalef and Shanon-Wiener index's (H'=0.81), being considered a relatively high diversity.