Odontogenic, non-inflammatory maxillofacial cysts and tumours vary greatly in their ability to grow and cause local tissue destruction. Despite their common embryologic origin, the biologic mechanisms responsible for this diverse array of clinical behaviour are largely unknown. Unfortunately, even with accurate tissue diagnosis and appropriate surgical management, these tumours have relatively high recurrence rates. While this may be related to surgical technique, it may also be due to intrinsic tumour biology. SOX2 is differentially expressed in odontogenic cysts and tumours, which has an impact over patient prognosis. This could be related to their diverse cells of origin or stages of histogenesis. SOX2 is expressed in OKC and ameloblastoma, and in this study, we look forward to find altered levels and intensity of SOX2 in the above-mentioned lesions.
Aim and Objectives:
To profile the expression of SOX2 in odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) and ameloblastomaTo compare the intensity of these lesions, analyse their intrinsic feature and predict their recurrence
Material and Methods:
Histopathologically diagnosed cases of OKC and ameloblastoma will be selected (n = 40). Paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed sections of these lesions will be stained for SOX2 marker using a standard immunohistochemical technique. Positive control will be taken as oral squamous cell carcinoma and negative control will be taken as normal oral mucosa.
A comparison between the stained cell types in odontogenic keratocyst and ameloblastoma revealed statistically significant differences. The immunoreactivity scores of SOX2 were analysed in both groups. The results indicated that 45% of OKC cases exhibited strongly positive reactivity, while 65% of ameloblastoma cases were negative. Statistical analysis demonstrated highly significant differences in the frequency of SOX2 expression between the two groups, with a higher frequency of negative expression in ameloblastoma.
Stem cell markers have been observed in these lesions, suggesting the acquisition of stem-like properties by tumour cells, which can affect patient prognosis. Specifically, the marker SOX2 shows differential expression in odontogenic cysts and tumours. High expression of SOX2 in OKC indicates the presence of stem cells with significant self-renewal and proliferative properties, potentially signifying neoplastic behaviour. In contrast, weak or absent expression of SOX2 in ameloblastoma suggests different molecular pathways involved in its neoplastic behaviour.