Abstract. We prove that the diametral strong diameter 2 property of a Banach space (meaning that, in convex combinations of relatively weakly open subsets of its unit ball, every point has an "almost diametral" point) is stable under 1-sums, i.e., the direct sum of two spaces with the diametral strong diameter 2 property equipped with the 1-norm has again this property.All Banach spaces considered in this note are over the real field. The closed unit ball and the unit sphere of a Banach space X will be denoted by B X and S X , respectively. Whenever referring to a relative weak topology, we mean such a topology on the closed unit ball of the space under consideration.Diameter 2 properties for a Banach space mean that certain subsets of its unit ball (e.g., slices, nonempty relatively weakly open subsets, or convex combinations of weakly open subsets) have diameter equal to 2. In recent years, these properties have been intensively studied (see, e.g., [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] for some typical results and further references).To clarify the gap between the well-studied Daugavet property [12] and known diameter 2 properties, the diametral diameter 2 properties were introduced and studied in the recent preprint [7]. In particular, the stability under p-sums of diametral diameter 2 properties was analyzed. The question whether the 1-sum of two Banach spaces enjoying the diametral strong diameter 2 property also has this property, was posed as an open problem in [7]. Below, we shall answer this question in the affirmative.