Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a slowly progressive interstitial fibrotic disease affecting numerous people living along the Danube River in the Balkan Peninsula, of which aristolochic acids (AAs) produced naturally in Aristolochia plants are key etiological agents. However, the exposure biology of the disease remains poorly understood. Initially, the high incidence of BEN in the Balkan Peninsula was thought to occur through ingestion of bread prepared from flour made with wheat grains comingled with the seeds of Aristolochia clematitis L., an AAcontaining weed that grows abundantly in the wheat fields of the affected areas. In this study, by a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method, we show for the first time that vegetables, in particular root vegetables of endemic areas, are extensively contaminated with AAs taken up through root absorption from the AA-tainted soil. Furthermore, we found a pH dependence of the n-octanol/water partition coefficient (K ow ) of AAs, which resulted in a dramatically higher hydrophobicity-driven plant uptake efficiency of AAs into food crops in endemic areas, characterized by higher acidity levels, compared to non-endemic areas. We believe the results of this study have significantly unraveled the mystery surrounding the uneven distribution of BEN incidence.