“…Eight years was used as the control threshold age for inclusion, as was previously done in Sandmeyer et al (2020). A complete ophthalmic examination was performed on each horse, consistent with methods used in Henriksen et al (2021). Inclusion criteria for ERU cases included two or more of the following clinical findings: phthisis bulbi, aqueous flare, keratic precipitates, iris hyperpigmentation, anterior or posterior synechiae, hyphema, hypopyon, cells in aqueous humor, fibrin in anterior chamber, corpora nigra atrophy, immature, mature or hypermature cataracts, vitritis, glaucoma, retinal detachment, active chorioretinitis, chronic chorioretinal degeneration/scars as a butterfly lesion, tapetal hyperreflectivity, optic nerve head atrophy and intraocular pressure below or above normal range of 10-30 mmHg as well as a history of recurrent uveitis from their referral veterinarian (Table S1, Gilger & Hollingsworth, 2017).…”