Introduction: The relationship between facial dermatoses and blepharitis has been known for along time.Objectives: We aimed to investigate the frequency of accompanying facial dermatoses in patients withblepharitis and their relationship with the severity of blepharitis.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 95 patients with blepharitis were examined for attending facialdermatoses. The type of blepharitis, the severity of blepharitis, and the degree of dry eye weredetermined in the patients. Dermoscopic and microscopic examinations were used in the diagnosis offacial dermatoses. The history of allergic rhinitis was questioned because Demodex species frequentlyaccompany blepharitis, facial dermatoses, and allergic rhinitis patients. Mann-Whitney U test wasused compare 2 independent groups. In comparing categorical variables, Pearson chi-Squared, FishereExact, and Fisher-Freeman-Holton tests were used.Results: At least 1 facial dermatosis was detected in 84.2% patients, and we did not see any facialdermatosis in 15.8% ones. No patients had acne, which is one of the most common facial dermatoses.The most common facial dermatosis detected in our patients was facial demodicosis (57.9%). It wasfollowed by seborrheic dermatitis (22.1%) and rosacea (12.6%), respectively. In addition, 2.1% of thepatients had atopic eyelid dermatitis, 23.2% had a history of allergic rhinitis, and 63.2% had oculardemodicosis.Conclusions: It is essential to perform dermatological examinations of all patients with blepharitis interms of accompanying facial dermatoses and their early diagnosis.