Aim: The objective was to evaluate the relationship between the regression rate of ciliary body melanoma and choroidal melanoma after brachytherapy and chromosome 3 monosomy status. Methods: We conducted a prospective and consecutive case series of patients who underwent biopsy and brachytherapy for ciliary/choroidal melanoma. Tumor biopsy performed at the time of radiation plaque placement was analyzed with fluorescence in situ hybridization to determine the percentage of tumor cells with chromosome 3 monosomy. The regression rate was calculated as the percent change in tumor height at months 3, 6, and 12. The relationship between regression rate and tumor location, initial tumor height, and chromosome 3 monosomy (percentage) was assessed by univariate linear regression (R version 3.1.0). Results: Of the 75 patients included in the study, 8 had ciliary body melanoma, and 67 were choroidal melanomas. The mean tumor height at the time of diagnosis was 5.2 mm (range: 1.90-13.00). The percentage composition of chromosome 3 monosomy ranged from 0-20% (n = 35) to 81-100% (n = 40). The regression of tumor height at months 3, 6, and 12 did not statistically correlate with tumor location (ciliary or choroidal), initial tumor height, or chromosome 3 monosomy (percentage). Conclusion: The regression rate of choroidal melanoma following brachytherapy did not correlate with chromosome 3 monosomy status.