To test the hypothesis that rats (Rattus norvegicus) emit airborne, differential odors in response to reward and nonreward, donor rats received random sequences of rewarded and nonrewarded placements in small compartments and an airstream transported odors from these compartments to test rats in a separate chamber. When donors remained in the compartments during, or were removed just prior to, air transport, test rats utilized transported odors as discriminative cues signaling their own reward and nonreward for a lever-press response. When the airstream was passed through a clean compartment containing paper flooring extracted from donor compartments, test rats were not able to discriminate. Test trials to assess for control by food odors suggest that donor-produced odors, rather than food odors per se, provided the discriminative signals for test rats. Results confirm the existence of somewhat volatile, although apparently stable, odors emitted in response to reward and nonreward, and implicate a differential in amount and/or type of odor produced by donors to these two events as the source of discriminative control.