Purpose -Last two decades have seen a marked increase in the interest given to the fi eld of business ethics, particularly, marketin g ethics. Marketing ethics provides an innumerable amount of materials and topics for open discussion, as well as for application in practice. Our intention is to open up a space within which to promote timely debate on contemporary marketing education.Design/Methodology/Approach -Monitoring of academic journals in the area of marketing ethics tuition accessible in electronic databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, Web of Science, Google Scholar) by means of the Centre for scientifi c-technical information SR portal.The work is based on the analysis of thematic categories, and the number of publications and citations. Results are presented in a comprehensive and illustrative manner.Findings and implications -Discussions about marketing ethics and ethical issues are useful. Students need preparation, mentoring and counselling while solving ethical problems, which occur during marketing ethics tuition in the academic fi eld, but also in practice. Academic and scientifi c sources in the area of marketing ethics education are an excellent "instruction".Limitations -The limitation of this research can be seen in the fact that we focused especially on the marketing aspect of the ethics education. In further research, other fi elds of interest should be addressed, for example mana gement or practices in commerce, etc.
SažetakSvrha -Posljednja dva desetljeća povećan je interes za područje poslovne etike, posebice marketinške. Marketinška etika nudi bezbroj materijala i tema za otvorenu raspravu kao i za primjenu u praksi. Namjeravamo otvoriti prostor unutar kojega će se promicati pravovremena rasprava o suvremenom marketinškom obrazovanju.Metodološki pristup -Praćeni su znanstveni časopisi iz područja marketinške etike dostupni u elektroničkim bazama podataka (EBSCO, ProQuest, Web of Science, Google Scholar) korištenjem portala Centre for scientifi c-technical information. Rad se temelji na analizi tematskih kategorija, broju publikacija i citata. Rezultati su prikazani na sveobuhvatan i slikovit način.Rezultati i implikacije -Rasprave o marketinškoj etici i etičkim pitanjima korisne su. Studenti trebaju pripremu, mentorstvo i savjetovanje pri rješavanju etičkih problema do kojih dolazi za vrijeme obrazovanja iz marketinš-ke etike u akademskom okružju, ali i u praksi. Akademski i znanstveni izvori u području obrazovanja iz marketinš-ke etike izvrsne su "upute".Ograničenja -Odnosi se na činjenicu da je istraživanje usredotočeno na marketinški aspekt u obrazovanju o etici. U daljnjim istraživanjima trebalo bi obuhvatiti druga područja od interesa kao, na primjer, menadžment ili prakse u prodaji itd.Daniela Hrehová, Pavel Žiaran 132 Vol. 28, No. 2, 2016, pp. 131-142 Originality -The aim of the article is to map current trends in research in the fi eld of marketing ethics education, as presented in scientifi c journals.
Keywords -ethics, marketing, educationDoprinos -Cilj je članka mapirati akt...