The no-boundary proposal by physicists Hartle and Hawking strives to build a model of the early Universe without the initial singularity. This approach introduces the concept of metric signature change, which has been addressed in various ways across the literature. Subsequently, Mansouri and Nozari tackled signature change by employing Colombeau formalism. However, in this context, the metric signature only changes for $t<0$ within the Euclidean regime, posing a challenge in providing coherent physical interpretations beforehand. To address this issue, this paper proposes a reinterpretation of the Mansouri-Nozari approach, ensuring that the sign change occurs for $t>0$ in the Euclidean regime. Our findings prove that the energy-momentum tensor does not vanish on the signature change surface, even when adopting conditions commonly used in the literature. Besides, we formulate a modified cosmology within the realm of signature change. We establish a constraint relating the state equation parameter and its singular part. Lastly, we determine an effective state equation parameter as a function of the redshift and its singular part.