We further develop the new approach, proposed in part I, to computing the heat kernel associated with a Fermion coupled to vector and axial vector fields. We first use the path integral representation obtained for the heat kernel trace in a vector-axialvector background to derive a Bern-Kosower type master formula for the one-loop amplitude with M vectors and N axialvectors, valid in any even spacetime dimension. For the massless case we then generalize this approach to the full off-diagonal heat kernel. In the D = 4 case the SO(4) structure of the theory can be broken down to SU (2) × SU (2) by use of the 't Hooft symbols. Various techniques for explicitly evaluating the spin part of the path integral are developed and compared. We also extend the method to external fermions, and to the inclusion of isospin. On the field theory side, we obtain an extension of the second order formalism for fermion QED to an abelian vector-axialvector theory.
11.15.BtTypeset using REVT E X * fad@julian.uwo.ca † tmleafs@apmaths.uwo.ca ‡ schubert@lapp.in2p3.fr 2 We work in the Euclidean throughout with a positive definite metric g µν = diag(+ + . . . +). Our Dirac matrix conventions are (with some abuse of notation) {γ µ , γ ν } = 2g µν , γ 2 5 = 1 , γ † µ,5 = γ µ,5 , σ µν = 1 2 [γ µ , γ ν ], µ, ν = 1, . . . , D. The Euclidean ε -tensor is defined by ε 1···D = +1. We do not differentiate between superscripts and subscripts. The corresponding Minkowski space formulas are obtained by g µν → η µν = diag(− + . . . +),k D → −ik 0 , T → is, ε µ 1 ···µ D → iε µ 1 ···µ D , ε 0···(D−1) = +1.