Quantum devices, such as quantum simulators, quantum annealers, and quantum computers, may be exploited to solve problems beyond what is tractable with classical computers. This may be achieved as the Hilbert space available to perform such 'calculations' is far larger than that which may be classically simulated. In practice, however, quantum devices have imperfections, which may limit the accessibility to the whole Hilbert space. Actually, the dimension of the space of quantum states that are available to a quantum device is a meaningful measure of its functionality, but unfortunately this quantity cannot be directly experimentally determined. Here we outline an experimentally realisable approach to obtaining the scaling of the required Hilbert space of such a device to compute such evolution, by exploiting the thermalization dynamics of a probe qubit. This is achieved by obtaining a fluctuation-dissipation theorem for high-temperature chaotic quantum systems, which facilitates the extraction of information on the Hilbert space dimension via measurements of the decay rate, and time-fluctuations. arXiv:1906.06206v1 [quant-ph]