strategy from 2007-2017 and map to what degree and how innovation and strategy have been treated together in prior research. We identify themes covered in this research and reveal that the papers that link these research areas are extensively cited. Still, a lot of work remains to be done, and fusing core properties of strategy theory with recent ideas from innovation literature we believe is both obtainable and prudent at the present time.The structure of this paper can be described as follows. First, we present extant strategy and innovation management theory to highlight similarities and differences across these two bodies of research and pose our research question. Second, we explain the method applied in the search, review, and analysis of the reviewed papers. Third, we present the findings from our analysis of the extant body of literature addressing strategy and innovation. And, finally, we offer a concluding discussion with implications on future developments for research and practice.
TheoryGoing back to Schumpeter and the notion of 'creative destruction' (Schumpeter, 1949), the need for innovation